RYA Windsurf Instructor Training
As a Advanced Windsurfing Trainer appointed by the RYA, Simon has significant experience in the delivery of RYA Start, Intermediate and Advanced Windsurf Instructor courses across the UK and overseas.
Simon's style is to work with instructor candidates in a friendly, realistic and fully-supportive way, understanding the range of expectations and emotions that can exist during seminal times in people’s lives when they are undertaking RYA instructor training and assessments. His courses are informative, enjoyable and, through his supportive approach, will inspire candidates of all ages. Please contact us to discuss your requirements and to see how Simon can help you or your team.​

The RYA Windsurfing Instructor courses that Simon can deliver are as follows.
RYA Start Windsurfing Instructor
Whats it about? Get involved with teaching windsurfing to beginners
Duration: 5 days
Moderation required? Yes
Minimum personal skill level: RYA Intermediate non-planing
What you can teach: RYA Start and Youth Stages 1 and 2
RYA Intermediate (planing and non-planing) Instructor
Whats it about? Take your journey as a coach to the next level and become a more credible and employable instructor
Duration: 4 days
Moderation required? No
Minimum personal skill level: RYA Intermediate planing (for RYA Intermediate non-planing instructor candidates)
Minimum personal skill level: RYA Advanced (for RYA Intermediate planing instructor candidates)
What you can teach: RYA Start, Intermediate (non-planing and/or planing) and Youth Stages 3 and/or 4
RYA Advanced (and Advanced-plus) Instructor
Whats it about? Reach the top rung of the windsurfing instructor ladder
Duration: 5 days
Moderation required? No
Minimum personal skill level: RYA Advanced-plus (for RYA Advanced instructor candidates)
Minimum personal skill level: above RYA Advanced-plus (for RYA Advanced-plus instructor candidates)
What you can teach: RYA Start, Intermediate and either Advanced or Advanced-plus
RYA Senior Instructor (Windsurfing)
Whats it about? To enable you to manage RYA windsurf training both ashore and afloat, ensuring that the work of the instructor team is safe, enjoyable and complete with valuable learning outcomes. To help you to understand the role of the Chief Instructor or RYA Principal. Possibly the last professional RYA course a candidate will take, the importance of this course cannot be under-estimated - not only for the candidate but for the ongoing success of windsurf training in both commercial and volunteer club RYA Training Centres.
Duration: 4 days
Moderation required? Continuous from 2 RYA Trainers
Minimum personal skill level: RYA Start Instructor
What you can teach: The same as your current Windsurf Instructor qualification allows plus you can oversee all levels