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Equipment Sales

SWM - TCSW 17_11_24-03.JPG

Wingfoiling Equipment

Windsurf Equipment

Windsurfing Equipment

Forward WIP

Forward WIP

Marlow Ropes




SWM Manera Seafarer Men 7.jpg


Bolle Eyewear

Bollé Eyewear

A great philosopher once said, “When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping…” So why not treat yourself to some premium new or used kit from our website. The equipment is sold online prior to collection from Queen Mary Sailing Club (QMSC). We have new and used wingfoiling kit (Starboard boards and foils & Freewing wings), new parawing kit (Ensis Roger wings & Starboard Acefoil boards & Starboard high aspect Glider foils) used windsurfing kit (Starboard, Severne and occasionally other clearance stock) and products from Forward WIP, Manera, Flymount, Bollé, K4 Fins and others. Also see our chandlery page for rope and dinghy parts.


Whilst this is not a mail order store, some items may be able to be shipped on request. We are not a physical shop yet someone can meet you at our base at Queen Mary Sailing Club at a mutually convenient time so you can see and handle the kit, try-on the WIP impact vests and helmets etc. Larger kit may be able to be dropped off at a suitable location in Surrey or between QMSC and Weymouth.

Viewing stock and buying it online is coming soon, with click-and-collect available soon from Queen Mary Sailing Club in Surrey. In the meantime please complete the form here to let us know exactly what you require and we will get it sorted for you.

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